TPU Webbing

TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethanes) is an abbreviation for thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer rubber. It provides notable advancements over PVC, PU leather, and PU coatings, particularly in the realm of waterproof and breathable fabrics. TPU exhibits the desirable characteristics of rubber and ordinary pigments, along with exceptional overall physical and chemical properties. Positioned as an environmentally friendly polymer material, TPU combines the softness of rubber with the hardness of hard plastic.


Outstanding Weather Resistant

The glass transition temperature of TPU is relatively low, and it still maintains good elasticity, flexibility, and other physical properties at minus 35 degrees. TPU is flexible over a wide temperature range, such as -40~120℃, without the need for plasticizers.

Wear Resistance & Tear Resistance

TPU has good tear resistance, high tensile strength, large elongation, and is not easily deformed under long-term compression; it is strong and durable.

Soft & Hard in One, Anti-slip

It has outstanding impact resistance and shock absorption performance. The dry surface enhances the friction during use. It hasan  anti-slip function like rubber and is used in decorative materials and sporting goods.